Hi! We're team SQUEAK

Jayna is a mom of 3 who loves to cook, workout, blog, eat anything related to avocados and dark chocolate and enjoy a glass (or two ;) of chardonnay on ice (yes, ice.). Parker is...well the same (mom of 3 and food lover), but will trade avocados for açai and chardonnay for red...or margs.

SQUEAK happened organically. In early 2018, Jayna began posting videos about how to make safer cleaning products and, instead of making them, people sent product requests! Well, one thing led to more things and SQUEAK was born.

After years of infertility, Parker began researching the impact of chemicals on our collective health. Starting with cleaning supplies, she began the "clean swaps" on a regular basis and ultimately became a SQUEAK customer.  

In SQUEAK's early days, Parker joined Jayna as a fractional sales and operations strategist. With a background in retail and a career in CPG consulting, she could see the writing on the wall (and smell the goodness in the air). When Jayna began searching for a new partner to take SQUEAK forward, she didn't have to go far. In late 2021, Parker joined her friend and SQUEAK's Founder as "Chief of Clean."


The Detailed Backstory

WHY do we care so much about ingredients in our cleaning products? Here's the deal.

According to environmental experts, the average household contains 62 toxic chemicals.

Most commonly used in everyday cleaning products:

PHTHALATES + SYNTHETIC FRAGRANCES: endocrine disruptors  found in air fresheners, dish soap and even toilet paper.

2-BUTOXYETHANOL: known cause of pulmonary edema, and liver and kidney damage and found in window, kitchen and multipurpose cleaners.

CHLORINE + AMMONIA: linked to acute and chronic respiratory issues and thyroid disfunction and found scouring powders, toilet bowl cleaners, mildew cleaners, and polishing agents.

This list is abbreviated, but you get the point. For more information about this list, click here.

Our mission here with this little SQUEAKY company is to educate the world (or anyone who will listen) about cleaning up our cleaning acts. 

Come on. Get SQUEAKY with us.


Jayna + Parker