FLOOR Me | pine, cedar wood + juniper berry – SQUEAK
FLOOR Me | pine, cedar wood + juniper berry

FLOOR Me | pine, cedar wood + juniper berry

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You, your kids, your pets and your guests walk barefoot on your floors. Well, it can take just seconds for the synthetic chemicals in floor cleaners to absorb into your bloodstream via your skin on your foot. Wait, what? Yes, you heard me right. And maybe you believe there are "good" synthetic chemicals (we will still love you) but we just don't. That's why we created FLOOR Me. Simple, organic ingredients just floatin' around in reverse osmosis water ready to work. So lick the floor if you want. I mean, your kids + pets do (they do, I swear). Oh, and we have to brag that 3rd party testing results confirmed that FLOOR Me cleaned better than one of the most popular floor cleaners in the natural space (hint: it may rhyme with Bethod). Yay!

Grab the matching concentrated refill here!


You can use FLOOR Me floor cleaner on any and all hard surface floors. BUT if you're feeling lazy (or resourceful ;), you can squirt this yummy piney cleaner on your counters, tables, and sinks too. Why not? Right? And like ALL of our products, if you're in a pinch, you can clean the rest of your house with it too. IT'S.THAT.GOOD.


This 32 oz. squirt top bottle is filled with:

  • reverse osmosis water

  • organic white distilled vinegar

  • organic* essential oils: pine, cedar wood, juniper berry*

Please click here for information regarding CAS numbers.


Using a damp (must.be.damp.) old facecloth, towel rag or mop, squirt about 2 tablespoons of FLOOR Me directly onto the floor and wipe. This should be enough for a 10'x10' area. After each section, rinse cloth, towel or mop and go to the next section. You can't clean your floors with a dirty rag or mop, right? And yes, you can put FLOOR Me in your spray mop vessel!

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